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How An Agrimony Creates Chaos

“Are you joining us for lunch?” It is a simple question, one that requires a simple yes or no answer. However, a true Agrimony cannot keep things so simple, so orderly. Somewhere in their mental torment, they refuse to speak truthfully and skirt any issue in the hopes of not being rejected or hurting someone else’s feelings. Denial be-comes them.

This was the case recently when I organized a luncheon with some old friends that I had not seen in a while. Commitment is not easy for the Agrimony, so when approached if she would be joining us, her answer was: “I will IF nothing else happens this week.”

Immediately I knew she would not be there. And there was a good reason for my certainty. The healthy answer to that question is either, “I am coming”… or “I am not coming”. It is the “I AM” statement that directs energy in one place or another. It really does not matter which direction we choose; it only matters that we choose a direction.

The word “IF” did not allow her energy a direction. It was left floating in space with an opportunity to bump into another misdirected source of energy. Basically it becomes energy waiting for something to happen.

Of course, the day of our luncheon arrived and I received the expected phone call at 9 a.m. promptly: “I can’t come today”. It seems her daughter had fallen down the stairs the night before and she had to take her to the chiropractor. A good excuse, of course, one that was energetically created just for her.

As we have been working her Agrimony issue for a very long time, it was the perfect opportunity to explain why Agrimonys create chaos in their lives. I was not certain that she wanted to hear what I had to say; I had to say it nonetheless. So I proceeded to explain my observation about her misdirected energy, and added, “It is your lack of commitment to your “self” that enables your own energy to crash. Sometimes crashes are small and sometimes they are big. The point is they are not necessary. Do you want to stop the chaos?”

If you listen to an Agrimony, they seem to be incapable of any commitment. They often use the words:

I will
I should
I might
I could
I would

However, “I am” (which is very grounding) tends to be lacking from their dictionary. And it is grounding that the Agrimony needs in order to direct their energy which in turn allows them to heal. They need to ground themselves in truth so they can then begin the process of loving the “self” through responsible behaviors.

This little bit of information opened up an emotional doorway that forced my friend to look inwardly so she could see where her Agrimony energy of chaos and non-committal began. And in that moment, I think she got it! She recognized the pain of long ago that kept repeating the chaos cycle she learned as a little girl. As with all of us, it became her means to protect herself from pain she no longer wanted to feel.

What is most important, however, is that she recognized it. And it was in that single moment of recognition she now had an opportunity to change her imbalanced Agrimony into the responsible peace-loving being she came to be. All she simply needs to do is watch her language!

1 comment:

  1. thank you,
    wonderful and inspirational viewpoint!
    eaglemoon raes
